
27 April 2023: consent valid for 180 days

Consents authenticated by PaymentServiceUsers from Tuesday 25 July 2023 at 10:00AM CEST will be valid 180 days.
Consents authenticated by PaymentServiceUsers before this date are valid 90 days.

When a consent expires, the PaymentServiceUser will be asked to perform StrongCustomerAuthentication (SCA), to extend the validation with either 90 or 180 days (depending on when the PSU performs the SCA).

Find the Commission Delegated Regulation here

Starting Tuesday 25 July 2023 at 10:00AM CEST we will also be enforcing the restrictions for maximum 90 days of transactions back in time, when the PaymentServiceUser is not present.

21 March 2023: transactions details, card payments

We plan to add further transaction details for card payments.

Two additional fields will be added to transaction details:

  • businessNumber (MerchantNumber)
  • cardUseInfo (details on how the card is used)

The change is non-breaking and is scheduled to be deployed May 2023.
Once the implementation has been deployed, the aforementioned fields will be available through the PSD2 API's and their usage documented on the Developer Portal.

For questions or comments, please contact our PSD2 API support.

1 December 2022: app switching

Introducing further parameter: return_app_url & return_app_type

Due to requirement changes in MitID it becomes mandatory for ThirdPartyProviders to use app-switch if their app is on the same device as the MitID app.

ThirdPartyProvider developed apps must check for the existence of the MitID app, if the apps are on the same device it must send the ”return_app_url” and ”return_app_type”

Not sending these parameters in the app will have the following consequences:

IOS: Users must switch between the MITID app to the ThirdPartyProvider app themselves.

Android: The user will be returned to a default browser and must navigate back to the app after getting approval from the MitID app.

We have informed ThirdPartyProviders already using app switching directly.
Please read more about app switching on our app switching page

29 September 2022: NemID end-of-life 1 Nov 2022

This news entry is nice-to-know information for supporters at ThirdPartyProviders.
From 1 November 2022 it is no longer possible for PaymentServiceUsers (PSU) to authenticate using NemID. PSU must authenticate using MitID. 
All PSUs are already informed about mandatory migration to MitID.

29 June 2022: Introducing running balance on transactions

You can now see either "interimAvailable" balance or "expected" balance for each transaction.

Corporate paymentaccounts often use "collections" to group many transactions into 1 total.
For transactions part of a collection, balance will only appear for the collection-header.

In the response 200 look for "balanceAfterTransaction" and "balanceType".
The feature is also available in Sandbox.
Please contact our PSD2 API support if you have comments or questions.