

The Payment product allows you to create payments (e.g. single payments and periodic payments).
The product is PSD2-compliant.  

Step-by-step how to use the Payment product

Initial activities

Enrollment and TPP security need to be in place.

For every payment

This flow shows how to initiate and authorize a payment (including Strong Customer Authentication):

Payment initiation flow

Signing basket (for WebBank Corporate agreements only)

A corporate PaymentServiceUser (PSU) can initiate several payments and sign all payments using a signing basket.
The feature is not available for private PaymentServiceUsers.

Here is the simple step-by-step:
POST a payment and get a paymentID in return.
POST several payments.  Check limitations in the payment yaml-file.
Create a signing basket using all the paymentIDs and use the flow shown above.
Let a corporate PSU sign the content of the signing basket.

If the payments require signing by more than 1 PSU, you can create a new signing basket with paymentIDs needing further signing.
Additional authentications of payments can also be handled by PSUs in the WebBank Corporate using the payment overview.

Get account-list if you only have PISP role

Use the paisprepare scope and get consent from the PSU to get account-list before initiating a payment.
The paisprepare scope does not give access to accountbalances nor transactions.
The process is similar to using the aisprepare scope.

Try it out

In order to try our Payment Postman collection, please open your Postman and import these two files:

Payment environment file

Payment Postman collection file

We recommend you read the short description in Postman for both the collection and each request. This will help you understand the purpose of each request.

Remember to update your Postman environment settings with a valid token

Using the scaOAuth-link from the payment-authorization response, the Strong Customer Authentication of the payment uses the standard redirect OAuth2 flow, where the scope contains PIS:authorisationId.

For more details, click here.


The developer portal uses mockdata for all endpoints.
The IDs (e.g. paymentID) to be used when accessing data are described as part of the Postman collections and the examples in the Yaml-files.

Detailed documentation

For more detailed documentation, the Payment YAML-file can be seen and downloaded here:

View our Open API for Payment